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Internationalize .NET API Application

  • Name
    Yujia Sun

Though it is hard to use and the documentation is difficult to understand for a newbie, .NET, actually, provides some tools to internationalize your .NET API application without any third-party dependency. This blog summarizes necessary procedures to do it.

Code for this guide can be found here: wave-ys/dotnet-web-api-i18n-demo

Add localization files

Firstly, we create a folder named Resources and add a resource file Localization.FooLocalization.resx under it: Create a resource file
Add two new cultures en-us and zh-hans-cn: Add a new culture Choose culture
Add a new resource entry in this resource file: Edit resource

Add localization class

Add a new class FooLocalization under the namespace Localization. Note that the class and namespace must comply with the resource file we created. Add a localization class

Just leave the class empty.

Configure resource path

builder.Services.AddLocalization(options =>
    options.ResourcesPath = "Resources";

Use localization

Now you can inject IStringLocalizer<FooLocalization> to use the string:

    ([FromServices] IStringLocalizer<FooLocalization> fooLocalizer)
        => fooLocalizer["HelloWorld"].Value);

Enable translation

.NET provides an easy way to enable translation based on Accept-Language HTTP request header.

Firstly, you need to configure supported cultures:

builder.Services.Configure<RequestLocalizationOptions>(options =>
        .AddSupportedCultures(["en-us", "zh-hans-cn"])
        .AddSupportedUICultures(["en-us", "zh-hans-cn"]);

Then, enable request translation:


If you want route-based translation or a custom way to specify language, please refer to Implement a strategy to select the language/culture for each request in a localized ASP.NET Core app.

Now we have done. You can send requests to test it.

Send request for English response Send request for Chinese response

Enable data annotation localization

For data annotations, .NET indeed provides a solution for localization, unfortunately however, we have to translate the error messages by ourselves. Here is my preferred way.

Firstly, we need to create a localization resource and its corresponding class: Create validation localization resource

Then, configure to enable data annotation localization:

    .AddDataAnnotationsLocalization(options => {
        options.DataAnnotationLocalizerProvider = (type, factory) =>

Finally, we specify error messages for data annotations. Note that this error message should be the name of the resource entry you have just created.

...But before that, remember currently data annotations only work for MVC, so we have to map MVC controllers.

using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace I18nDemo.Controllers;

public class EmailController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult Get([FromQuery] [EmailAddress(ErrorMessage = "InvalidEmail")] string address)
        return Ok(address);
Data annotation message for English Data annotation message for Chinese


Official document: Globalization and localization in ASP.NET Core.